Friday, July 24, 2009

lazy oscar way

What is the lazy oscar way of doing things? Its not zero effort or not necessarily very little effort ,although at times that may be the case, its about the getting the most from the least amount of effort. Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? Thats the rule that 20 percent of anything creates 80 percent of the productivity. So for example, 20 percent of the customer of a company maybe account for 80 percent of the sales. So if we know this we focus more on spending resources on the 20 percent. Thats what I try to do in life focus on the 20 and this blog is about what i've done to do this in various areas. Sometimes it took alot of experimenting to find out how to get that least effort process, but once achieved it has made my life alot easier and lets me focus on things you may rather be doing. So check out my articles and if you see an idea you like feel free to steal it!